Raven Mural, Downtown Chilliwack, British Columbia
Well, its pretty well a month into a new year, but better late than never. It has been too long since I’ve updated my website and I have a lot of plans for it in the near future. I haven’t posted an update in quite a while (um a year.. what) so I’m thinking a short summary of some of the things I did in 2021 and a “whats coming in 2022” is needed. On that note however; I post consistently on my social media so if you’re’ wanting to stay up to date with my projects, life, exhibitions etc. Please be sure to follow me there. One of my goals for this year is to keep my website updated and revamp my shop with lots of new product options so keep checking back!
In 2021 I was a part of a few exhibitions including the 2021 Fraser Valley Biennial that started in Abbotsford and moved around the Fraser Valley to Chilliwack, Mission and Harrison. I was a part of ‘Celebrating Arts and Culture’ a digital exhibition for Langley, BC. The UFV Visual Arts Diploma Show Class of 2020 finally happened at the S’eliyemetaxwtexw Art Gallery here in Abbotsford. I participated in ‘The Women in Art’ (digital) exhibit through Kariton here in Abbotsford. I was chosen to be a part of the Digital Mural (digitalmural.ca), a group exhibition. I was the featured artist in INSPIRED & INDIGENOUS for National Indigenous History Month held digitally through the Kariton as well.

Choco, rest in peace bubby.
I was one of the featured artists at the Vines Festival where I finished up a large scale painting in Stanley Park in August 2021 then right after I painted my first solo large scale mural as part of the Chilliwack Mural Festival! I also painted a mural at the Kariton Art Gallery here in Abbotsford for the Downie Wenjack Legacy Space. The year was busy with a variety of work including graphic design and painting commissions and I worked with a lot of amazing people and businesses.
Summer ended terribly for me and my husband as we lost our best friend Choco our cat in September, his absence has left a huge hole in our hearts. He was my little shadow and my assistant, he followed me everywhere and our home feels very empty without him, right now its just the two of us. I took some time off after his passing for my mental health and to simply grieve. He was a good boy and he will forever be missed. You can read the posts I made for him on my socials. Here and Here.

New Indigenous Pink Shirt Design for Anti Bullying Day 2022
January is almost over and its already been quite busy for me. Right now I’m in the middle of painting a couple of canoes for Western Canoe and Kayaking here in Abbotsford. Pink Shirt Day is coming up again in February and I’m still teamed up with Leading Edge Promo for this campaign. Please check it out at indigenouspinkshirt.com. I will also be working with them on a couple of other campaigns this year which will launch shortly so stay tuned!
Starting February 1st my artwork will be a part of the No.3 Road Art Columns Exhibition, specifically on the Lansdowne – West Column! We’re just a week away from seeing it installed!
Not only will I be exhibiting artwork in shows this year, but I will be having my first solo exhibition at the Reach Gallery Museum in Abbotsford starting at the end of March, I’m very excited for the opportunity. My 2022 Events Schedule will be continuously updated so keep checking back to see what exhibitions and events I’m going to be a part of throughout the year. There are a lot of exciting projects that I’m working on that I will be able to share eventually, but as with all big projects things take time!
Thats all for now.